Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Artifact #3

-To develop raster graphic skills in adobe Photoshop.
-To be able to create an image which contains more than one type of information in an abstract way.
-To analyze and understand information through graphical representation.

“To understand is to know what cause provokes what effect, by what means, at what rate. How then is such knowledge to be represented?” _Edward R. Tufte

 “As experimentation processed, drawings evolved into the hybrid expression of several drawings combined into one, creating interest within the general population as well as in the design community itself.”_ M.S. Uddin,

Design of information is the critical element for clear, rapid, and precise communication. A clear and logical thinking process is required for effective representation. Research and choose quantities such as numeric DATA, geographical and environmental images, or narratives for transforming visual explanation. 

Constraints:  The layout should be composed on 11x17

Material: color print on 11x17paper (high quality paper)

Due on Wednesday, October 27, 2010 at the beginning of class.

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